By Emma J. Hinnigan

This entry updates an earlier blog entry posted on May 4, 2009, discussing two lawsuits filed by the tax assessor for Terrebonne Parish against Burlington and LL&E for alleged underpayment of property taxes. The attorneys responsible for filing these lawsuits have held true to their promise that the lawsuits would be the first of many. On August 17, 2009, they filed an additional 29 new lawsuits against “big oil” companies. To date, the tax assessor for Terrebonne Parish is the only plaintiff involved. However, the attorneys do claim that they have assessors from other parishes on board and will file further suits in the future.

The link below is to the website created by the attorneys responsible for filing these lawsuits.

For more information, please contact Robert Angelico, Jim Exnicios, or Cheryl Kornick.