Photo of Neil AbramsonPhoto of Jeff Lieberman
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The Louisiana House Committee is scheduled to hear multiple bills concerning Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) this Thursday, April 4. Among them, five bills aim to regulate or restrict CCS activities and will be heard by the House Natural Resources & Environment Committee at 9 A.M. The proposed legislation covers a range of issues, from requiring CCS projects to comply with local ordinances to placing moratoriums on certain areas and imposing additional requirements on CCS projects. 

Here’s a brief overview of each bill:

  • HB 276 (Carter), requires that CCS projects comply with local land use and zoning ordinances.
  • HB 280 (Coates), prohibits the permitting of any structures which protrude above the surface of Lake Maurepas and Lake Ponchartrain.
  • HB 289 (Mack), prohibits Class VI injection wells in Caney Lake, Lake Maurepas, Lake Ponchartrain and Toledo Bend Reservoir.
  • HB 389 (Mack), places a moratorium on CCS below Lake Maurepas and the Maurepas Swamp Wildlife Management Area.
  • HB 516 (Mack), imposes additional requirements and restrictions on CCS projects, including emergency response plans, community notification systems, maps of CCS facilities, locations of CCS facilities, and groundwater monitoring.

If you have questions about these bills, please contact Neil Abramson and Jeff Lieberman. Liskow will continue to share regular updates about CCS legislation throughout the Louisiana Legislative Session. Follow along on this blog and the Liskow CCS Legislative Minute.

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