Environmental groups are asking the federal appellate courts to vacate the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (“EPA”) recent decision to grant Louisiana primacy over Class VI injection wells.
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LDEQ issued regulations implementing Louisiana’s first-ever voluntary environmental self-audit program. The regulations provide for the reduction or elimination of civil penalties for certain violations disclosed to LDEQ as the result of a voluntary environmental self-audit. Read more about the regulations here.
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A Louisiana federal court recently blocked EPA and DOJ from enforcing Title VI against the State of Louisiana to require disparate and cumulative impact analyses under federal environmental justice (EJ) policies for its state permitting. Read more about this decision and its ramifications here.
Continue Reading EJ Evolution: Court Enjoins EPA from Imposing Disparate Impact Requirements via Title VI in Louisiana Permitting

In the recent First Circuit Court of Appeal decision reinstating the Formosa facility permits, the court clarified that consideration of environmental justice is included in the Louisiana Public Trust Doctrine. To learn more about how this opinion may affect permit challenges and permit requirements, read more here.
Continue Reading Louisiana Appeals Court Finds Environmental Justice Is Part of the Louisiana Public Trust Duty

At long last, the State of Louisiana’s request to take over primary enforcement authority for the permitting of Class VI injection wells has been approved. What does this mean for CCS in Louisiana?
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The Louisiana Third Circuit recently affirmed a trial court discovery ruling that allowed the defendant to design its own e-discovery protocol without input from plaintiffs. In doing so, the Third Circuit bolstered the longstanding principle that trial courts have considerable discretion over discovery issues.
Continue Reading E-Discovery Update: Louisiana Third Circuit Affirms Defendant’s Authority to Govern Its Own E-Discovery Protocols

Louisiana State Mineral and Energy Board to Consider Retaining Outside Counsel to Pursue Claims Against Louisiana Mineral Lessees and Well Operators for Failure to Correctly or Timely Pay Royalties.
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Recent legislation aimed at blocking future acquisition of immovable property in Louisiana by companies controlled by foreign adversaries includes an exception for such companies who have already conducted oil and gas operations in the state. Currently, the bill has passed both the Louisiana House and Senate and awaits the vote of Governor John Bel Edwards before becoming law.
Continue Reading Latest Version of Louisiana Property Protection Bill Grants an Exception to Oil and Gas Investment By Companies Controlled By Countries Deemed a “Foreign Adversary”

EPA administratively closed its Title VI investigations into whether LDEQ and LDH engaged in racial discrimination when issuing approvals for two Louisiana facilities. To find out more about how this impacts environmental justice considerations in Louisiana, read it on the Energy Law Blog.
Continue Reading EJ Evolution: EPA Closes Title VI Investigations into LDEQ and LDH