Carbon Capture and Storage

The Louisiana Supreme Court has declined to review the First Circuit Court of Appeal’s ruling in Rise St. James v. LDEQ, essentially cementing the appellate court’s holding that an analysis of environmental justice (EJ) issues is required under Louisiana’s Public Trust Doctrine.
Continue Reading EJ Analysis Remains Part of Louisiana’s Public Trust Duty

This week EPA released the newest version of its environmental justice (EJ) screening and mapping tool, EJScreen 2.3. EJScreen is a mapping tool that combines environmental and socioeconomic data and is used to screen for potentially overburdened communities that may be affected by federal government programs and activities.
Continue Reading EPA Releases New Version of EJScreen

On May 31, the Louisiana Legislature passed HB 492 expressly providing that a pipeline company has authority to expropriate property rights for pipelines transporting carbon dioxide for Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) projects. 
Continue Reading Transforming and Transporting: Louisiana Legislature Amends Law to Allow Pipeline Transporters Expropriation Authority for CCS Projects

On May 21, 2024, a group of 20 states, including Louisiana and Texas, filed an action in North Dakota district court challenging the Council on Environmental Quality’s (“CEQ”) finalized amendments to its National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”) regulations, arguing that the rule seeks expanded environmental review without statutory authority.
Continue Reading Louisiana and Texas Challenge CEQ’s Finalized NEPA Amendments 

Moving forward in the legislative session, three bills sponsored by Chairman Geymann are scheduled for a vote on the House Floor this afternoon, April 16. Read up on the latest #CCS update from Liskow attorneys Neil Abramson and Jeff Lieberman.
Continue Reading Floor and Committee Action Today for Louisiana Carbon Capture Legislation

The Louisiana Legislative Session continues to address Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) with several bills up for discussion by the Committee on Natural Resources tomorrow, Tuesday, April 9, at 9 A.M. The proposed bills touch upon unitization, eminent domain, liability concerns, and revenue dedication of CCS within the state.
Continue Reading Continued Progress: Latest Developments in Louisiana’s Carbon Capture Legislation

The first round of bills on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) went forward this Thursday, April 4. Five bills aimed to regulate or restrict CCS activities were heard by the House Natural Resources & Environment Committee.  Four bills were defeated and one moved forward with amendments to the House floor.
Continue Reading Update From the Legislative Session: Positive Outlook for Louisiana Carbon Capture Projects