Louisiana Oil & Gas Law

In keeping with the Governor’s call for the Legislature’s 2024 Third Extraordinary Session, House Bill No. 25 was introduced on Monday seeking to adjust severance tax rates, eliminate exemptions, and modify administrative procedures and dedications of mineral revenues.

HB 25 initially proposed that severance tax on oil should be determined based on volume at a

The United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals recently affirmed the dismissal of a lawsuit against 18 oil and gas companies. The lawsuit arose from the sudden death of oysters in Plaquemines Parish, which plaintiffs, a group of about 30 oyster fishermen, alleged were the result of a release of produced water and brine—frequent byproducts of oil and gas operations.
Continue Reading Failure to Allege Plausible Arguments Against Oil and Gas Companies Proves Costly as the Fifth Circuit Dismissed Oyster Mortality Case

The availability of excess remediation damages, which are damages for additional remediation beyond state regulatory standards that can be pocketed by landowners instead of deposited with the court, has been a hotly contested issue in Louisiana legacy cases involving oilfield remediation claims governed by Act 312 (La. R.S. 30:29).
Continue Reading Liskow Secures Success at the Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeal in Legacy Case Involving Excess Remediation Claims Under Act 312

Louisiana Senate Bill 268, one of a pair of lithium-focused bills filed by senator Stewart Cathey Jr., would establish a state sales tax rebate program for Louisiana lithium projects. This rebate would apply to sales tax paid for “all equipment, machinery, materials, improvements, and other items purchased in connection with the development, production, operation, storage, processing, or transportation of lithium or lithium refined products in connection with a qualified lithium recovery project.”
Continue Reading Proposed Law Would Create Louisiana Sales Tax Rebate for Lithium Recovery Projects

We are now seeing the Louisiana legislature address some of these uncertainties head on with Senate Bill 285, which was filed on March 1, 2024 by Louisiana senator Stewart Cathey, Jr. Namely, SB285 would grant authority to the Office of Conservation to establish units for brine production. Furthermore, the proposed legislation would revise the Mineral Code to expressly include brine among the substances to which the Mineral Code applies.
Continue Reading Proposed Brine Legislation May Pave the Way for Louisiana Lithium Projects

Louisiana State Mineral and Energy Board to Consider Retaining Outside Counsel to Pursue Claims Against Louisiana Mineral Lessees and Well Operators for Failure to Correctly or Timely Pay Royalties.
Continue Reading Louisiana State Mineral Board to Consider Retaining Third Party Counsel to Pursue Underpayment of Royalty Claims Associated with Natural Gas Production on State Lands and Waterbottoms

Recent legislation aimed at blocking future acquisition of immovable property in Louisiana by companies controlled by foreign adversaries includes an exception for such companies who have already conducted oil and gas operations in the state. Currently, the bill has passed both the Louisiana House and Senate and awaits the vote of Governor John Bel Edwards before becoming law.
Continue Reading Latest Version of Louisiana Property Protection Bill Grants an Exception to Oil and Gas Investment By Companies Controlled By Countries Deemed a “Foreign Adversary”