Industrial Project Development

As we hit the halfway point of 2024, Louisiana is poised for significant legislative changes impacting civil procedure and litigation, energy, government, and insurance, among other sectors.
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On Friday, June 28, 2024, the United States Supreme Court overturned the Chevron doctrine in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, 603 U.S. __ (2024), ushering in a new era of judicial review of agency action.
Continue Reading SCOTUS Dials Back Chevron Deference in Loper Bright Opinion

In March 2024, the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) issued its final rule amending its Risk Management Program regulations (also referred to as, “Part 68”). These amended regulations went into effect on May 10, 2024.
Continue Reading EPA’s New Risk Management Program Regulations Impose New Requirements Including Additional Analyses for Process Hazards

On June 17, 2024, the IRS published Revenue Ruling 2024-14 as part of a package it says will raise an additional $50 billion dollars of income taxes over the next decade from “basis-shifting transactions.” In addition to the Revenue Ruling, the package includes three proposed regulations affecting basis adjustments. The Revenue Ruling seeks to curtail

LDEQ issued regulations implementing Louisiana’s first-ever voluntary environmental self-audit program. The regulations provide for the reduction or elimination of civil penalties for certain violations disclosed to LDEQ as the result of a voluntary environmental self-audit. Read more about the regulations here.
Continue Reading LDEQ Releases Louisiana’s First-Ever Voluntary Environmental Self-Audit Program

The Louisiana Department of Revenue has drafted an emergency regulation regarding the Louisiana net capital gains deduction, Louisiana Administrative Code 61:I.1312.  The emergency regulation will be published in the January 20, 2024 issue of the Louisiana Register, but the rule is effective for all transactions occurring on or after January 1, 2024.  The emergency